We had a great time at the football game.

Grandpa and Grandma used the season tickets we are sharing this year so the boys and I had other random seats in the stadium.  As it turns out it was a player's reunion weekend and we were sitting in the section with all of the former players and their families.

The boys LOVED that.  Middle Boy was sitting beside a man who played wide receiver in the sixties.  They had great conversations about what it takes to become the best at something.  They laughed and cringed together.  If a receiver dropped a pass Middle Boy was quick to say "I bet you would have caught that one".

Younger Boy was sitting by someone who played tight end in the early nineties.  He, too, did a lot of talking about how if you want to be good at something you have to give it your all...every day.  He was giving Younger Boy high fives and fist bumps.  They were trying to guess what plays were going to be run.

God orchestrated the best time for the boys.  He sat them next to people who would give them a message about giving it your all and if you want to do something...practice and don't give up.

Praises for a great game and even more important messages.
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