Today we made a SIGNIFICANT amount of progress toward being ready to move.

Both bedrooms and bathrooms are completely packed up.  The upstairs closets are good to go.

We each had tasks we were in charge of.  Younger Boy was the errand runner.  He went to the basement to get boxes.  He got tape.  He got sharpies.  He got trash bags.  He kept Sophie busy.

Retrieving boxes was an education.  When I first asked him go and get boxes it took him a long time.  He came back with a single box.  The one we use to protect the driveway when we are spray painting.  Really?  We literally have 200 boxes in our garage and this is the one you brought back.  He had to have dug for it.  I was without words.

Middle Boy was in charge of taping and labeling boxes and packing things that needed to be packed in trash bags. 

Both boys also worked in their room and bathroom.  They did a pretty good job of not being distracted by every single thing going into the boxes.

I am thankful for the day spent packing.  While it was not fun, we did a good job working together as a family.
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